5 – Budget Busting with Tait Brady

Catching money with a net

Producer Tait Brady joins me in Episode 5 to begin an ongoing conversation about budgeting and financing an independent film in today’s climate. In particular, we chat about:

  • No Budget vs Microbudget vs Low Budget. Terms are relative. What type of budget do those terms refer to? An independent film financed by Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures, made outside the studio system such as EX MACHINA which cost $15M, will often be referred to as ‘low budget’. What’s our definition? What will be the budget of our film, CONTROL ROOM?
  • Deferrals vs Reinvestment. What do those terms refer to? Deferrals usually refer to deferred profit. Whereas reinvestment refers to a share of revenue (as distinct from profit). In the words of Tait, it’s ‘a share of the pizza’. Which option are we going with?
  • Private Financing vs Government Funding vs Philanthropy. What do those terms refer to? ‘Funding’ conveys an expectation that a profit may not be expected. Whereas ‘financing’ relates to investment where a profit is usually expected. And Australia doesn’t have a philanthropic culture like the United States. What’s our finance plan for CONTROL ROOM?



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